Friday, January 29, 2010

Make Money On The Internet

The great thing about having an internet business, is that you can work on it when YOU want. At the moment I am watching Jonathan Ross, and updating my blogs and posting a few classifieds! I'm not constrained by the 9 -5 or by a boss. It's a great life!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple iPad

So, Apple have finally released their latest product to the world, the iPad.

Is it going to revolutionise the gadget world? Probably not.
Are people going to buy it by the bucket load? Definitely!

Apple seem to have the knack of making products that people really desire – whether they actually need them or not!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Well, we are now getting to the end of January, and it’s time to take stock of our New Year Resolutions.
Are they already broken, or maybe not even started? It’s no good just talking about doing things, making changes, you actually have to take action!
If your desire is to have your own business and your own time, look here. I will show you how to make money on the internet.

Thursday, January 7, 2010